On Wed, 19 Oct 2011 02:01:16 -0400, Nil
Post by NilPost by bobyou have no idea.
Of course I have an idea. There's no way of knowing how true the idea
could have been, but I think it's a valid idea.
Post by bobwe both are equally.
Right, it's just speculation. Are you really getting upset over this?
not at all. i do like debating though! and this idea that john wasn't
capable of something he just didn't choose to do is completely absurd.
none of us has any idea what he was capable of beyond what he chose to
show. since you want to be really semantic about it, you have an
entirely unverifiable theory, which technically obviously is "an
idea," but it's nothing close to actual knowledge which is why this is
absurd. although that doesn't mean it not worth talking about to pass
the time...
it's like arguing about whether elvis could have been a great opera
singer. maybe he could have, maybe he couldn't have, but there's no
way of knowing. (although in this hypothetical, i have to admit that i
don't know enough about elvis... maybe he did some amazing opera at
some point??) anyway, when available samples for any kind of study are
narrow (99% 1 or 2 styles) and singular (one very unfortunately
passed-on person) there just isn't enough to make a quality argument
at all. it's like studying climate change only at the equator or
saying sprinters couldn't finish a marathon because they couldn't run
that fast for 26 miles...
so my entirely unverifiable theory is sort of:
john did amazing things with relatively standard progressions,
passages, songs, whatever pete threw at him, plus his own rock stuff
that was usually kind of straight ahead rock and roll, why would the
amazing just shut off at the border? it doesn't make sense. it's just
what he chose to play. he played, practiced, and taught for 40 years
or so at an amazingly high level, but only showed the public maybe 1%
of that... so he could POSSIBLY have handled a lot or maybe even most
of jaco's playing AND he could have written and played amazing, but
obviously different (because that's how music and improv works), stuff
over joni mitchell and any of the standards or FC stuff or whatever...
plus john started in jazz, plus john played french horn (agreed on as
one of the hardest instruments to play well) and we don't have much
evidence of what he played or practiced on that (or being fair to you,
how well he played it...), he also played piano (which traditionally
starts in classical areas, and we have no evidence of that in his bass
playing either really) and trumpet which usually starts in jazzy
areas... self-deprecation "i still can't play jazz" aside. how many
musicians do you know that talk themselves up?
your entirely unverifiable theory is sort of:
he couldn't do it because i never saw him.
do you really think he would have just stared at his hands and banged
his head on the piano like that guy on the muppets? it would have been
amazing to hear what he would have done in different styles. do you
really think a room full of jazz players would have been disappointed
to hear that john was on his way over for a jam. oh no! he'll play 4:4
rock the whole time! although they might have worried about the